Saturday, December 24, 2016

I love Christmas truth needs to be said.

I love Christmas, it is a very joyful time of the year. People are having fun people feel good people are in a giving mood. It is a nice time of the year. But you know me I am all about the truth too. So here we go!

Jesus name is really Joshua and in Hebrew Yehoshua- I left it as Jesus below but his real name Joshua. 

While the Bible does not directly answer the question, ‘When was Jesus born?’ it does describe two events surrounding his birth that lead many to conclude that he was not born on December 25. Instead he was born around Passover. Meaning late March or early April Jesus real birth.

Not in winter, and not on
December 25. The Winter solstice, which is also a celebration by the pagans, on December 21. They believe Roman leader Constantine in around 320 AD, said that Jesus was born 12/25, Which as you can read in the scriptures, it says around September,  most believe.  No one really knows.. Dec 25th is a pagan birthday.  Sun god ra birthday.  

These are the things that took place in that time. Like they had registrations. Shortly before Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus issued a decree ordering “all the inhabited earth to be registered.” Everyone had to register in “his own city,” which might have required a journey of a week or more. You can read it in (Luke 2:1-3) That order—probably made to support taxation and military conscription—would have been unpopular at any time of year, but it is unlikely that Augustus would have provoked his subjects further by forcing many of them to make long trips during the cold winter.

The sheep. Shepherds were “living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks.” (Luke 2:8) The book Daily Life in the Time of Jesus notes that flocks lived in the open air from “the week before the Passover [ Aug Sept ]” through mid-November. It then adds: “They passed the winter under cover; and from this alone it may be seen that the traditional date for Christmas, in the winter, is unlikely to be right, since the Gospel says that the shepherds were in the fields.”

We can estimate when Jesus was born by counting backward from his death on Passover, Nisan 14 in the spring of the year 33 C.E. (Maybe) (John 19:14-16) Jesus was about 30 years old when he began his three-and-a-half-year ministry, so he was born in the early fall of 2 B.C.E.—Luke 3:23. (September)

It is nice to recognize Jesus and the through is nice. But the fact is, it is not his birthday. Its really sun god ra birthday.  A pagan god that could be traced back to the fallen ones. 

Also according to legends, the sun god RA, his day of worship is observed on Sunday.  Which is the 1st day of the week. 

Who are we observing?

Things that make you go hmm. 

Or are we wrestling with principalities from wicked places from high above... The 1% ...???

Ephesians 6:12, KJV: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

A must watch videos. Another fellow member that follows the true word of GOD.


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Peter warns

Peter warns that Paul writings could be miss understood.  But GODs people knew the truth. For they were taught the ways of God. The Torah and many more book that where written over 5700 year ago or much older, like the book of Enoch. And like I said much more. 
So, Peter says, 
2 Peter 3:15-16 KJV

 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;  As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

But the bible teaches you that everything must be check by the past to be verified if it is true or not....

So that's why Paul's writings make me Ponder a little. And I believe therefore Christians have been misled.

Paul writings in the Bible are as follows,

First Corinthians 
Second Corinthians 
First Thessalonians 
Second Thessalonians 
First Timothy 
Second Timothy 

Deuteronomy 13:1-5 KJV

 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,  And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;  Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.  Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.  And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the Lord thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.


The old Testament (Torah)
Canonical Books and more
Genesis- history of  mankind 
Exodus - free from bondage and given the commandments and decrees.

Leviticus - Teach you the Feast of the Lord and what he wants his people to observe 7 times a year, plus sabbath every  Saturday and special Sabbath and high holy holidays. 

Numbers- history of Adam's line

Deuteronomy - what God like and does not. 
1 Kings (1 Samuel)
2 Kings (2 Samuel)
3 Kings (1 Kings)
4 Kings (2 Kings)
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon (Canticles)

Deuterocanonical Books
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees
Ecclesiasticus / Sirach
Judith New Testament

Canonical Books
1 Peter
1 John

Deuterocanonical Books
2 Peter
2 John
3 John

The book of Enoch, the grandfather of Noah.

And many other books.

Remember everything must match the word of God. The old testament., to understand if it comes from God. It must match... for God warns it is not from him. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Angels, Aliens or Demons

I am going to tell you a story about a race that existed before man and they still exit today.

They have been known for many names throughout centuries. The Watchers, Angel's, Nephilim, sons of God and by their individual name in the book of Enoch, the giants, and  throughout history as the, theTitans, in Greek mythology. And now we call them Aliens. (Grays, Tall White and many others, snake beings) all part of the Fallen ones. They have been known for many name's throughout history.  

They have been in charge since the beginning. They have been running everything. And soon they shall come out and say they created us. Do not believe it. It is a lie. The bible talks about a great deception. And as if they could deceive the selected people.

Never let others mislead you. For God is real. And his son did come and died on the cross for us so that we can have salvation.

But is not the way we have been taught, Christianity. We do not follow the Bible. We do not even keep God's holy days. Any person that calls himself a Christian and then commits a catastrophe in the name of the Christian religion or Muslim religion. You are not Christian & you are not Muslim. If you worship, I AM WHO I AM, (GOD) you are not evil you do not go around killing people. You believe in the true word of God. Some of the Christian churches have good spirits. And we can all still repent and keep God's Commandments and show our Lord that we want to have a personal relationship with him. Just as we do with our partners in life.

For the Bible teaches us in Deuteronomy 13 that if anybody comes to change God's laws that he is not real. And we should not follow him. Jesus himself said in Matthew that he did not come to change God's laws but to fulfill what was written in the world.

Jesus was and is our savior, follow God's laws and Commandments. For those who are not Jews, God asked them to do the following.

Follow the 10 Commandments that God gave to Moses and the 7 feasts of the Lord. Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy.

Basically, the same Commandments that Jesus gave us to be good people and love one another. And always to put God first.

Same thing as the commandments.

Commandment 1 through 3 is all about respecting God and loving God. Commandment 4 is to honor the Sabbath, Thats the 1st day God as us to observe in remembrance of him. (GOD) 

God day is Saturday Not Sunday. A day of rest. Then the rest of the commandments are to love each other and treat each other with respect not hurt eachother, do not steal from one another, Do not kill, not to do anything wrong to one another. Love one another as Jesus said in remembrance of him.  

And the feast, which can be found in Leviticus 23, are 7 feasts. 7 Feasts a year for the Lord, In remembrance of Our Lord. Our God, our Heavenly Father. Jesus himself told us to also pray to Our Father who is in heaven as the prayer goes. The following verse below is Jesus explaining to his disciples what they need to do and to teach.

This is Jesus talking and saying it in his own words: Matthew 5:16-19 KJV

 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.   

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.   

For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.   

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Ask yourself am I doing the right thing and following my Lord.

And do not fall for the lies. Deception shall be at every turn.

God bless all who took the time to read my short story.

We wrestle with wickedness in high places.  As the Bible warns us several times.  

People wake up 

Ephesians 6:12, KJV: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The untold story of our true history

Listen children to a story that was written a long time ago, about a kingdom that could rival our very own.

I pray that the things we discover will make us open our eyes to the truth of mankind existence.

What ever lived on planet earth thousands and thousands of years ago. They had a connection, a network that could rival our very own. They could communicate. Imagine throughout the world there are artifacts and pyramids that have been discovered from one ends of the earth to the other ends. From India, to Turkey, Russia, Germany, Iraq, Iran, China, Egypt, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, and Malta, (Malta which was considered the island of the Giants). And many other places that mankind has already discovered. They are still many other places, still waiting to be discovered.

Like the new submerged civilization, they discovered by the Indian ocean. They think the site is over 12 thousand years old. But the government will not let them excavate the site. Why?

So, let get back, to whom? and what? had created such a civilization that spans the whole entire earth. If they had a network and they can build such monuments and they had a trading throughout their civilization, so you can say they had a thriving civilization. Wow, why don't we have more information on them?

Who were these amazing people that created this advance civilization? Are they like Us? Or who can they be like?

These are all the information I have discovered. They had been known by many names:

From the Annunaki, those who come from the skies, or those who come from the heavens, according to the 
Q-forms writing they discovered in caves. The scientists dated the Q-forms tablets back to around 150 thousand years ago or older.

The Watchers from the book of Enoch. A Jewish book of our Lord. That teaches us about the fallen Angel and everything they did wrong to mankind. According to the books, they mixed our DNA with animal’s DNA.  That were all the stories of half man and half beast that came from the Greek mythology. The Greek gods, from the Titans (which were considered Giants) like their predecessors, Olympian gods, the 12 gods that ruled on earth according to the Greek mythology.

Or could they be like Plato said, the Greek do not even know their own history. Or could the same be said for all of us?

Ok, let us get back,

India, Hinduism, where they have or had many demigods. This religion has existed for over 8 thousand years or even older to over 10, thousands of years old.

I gave you an idea. Whatever you want to call them? ALIENS TODAY OR whatever...they have been around for thousands of thousands of years.

They have existed with mankind from the beginning of man. They have tried to keep us down. According to the books of the past.

But I most leave you with this. They also believe in a higher being, then them. Imagine is that is who we called God today?

But our Lord message has been corrupted throughout history by men. Because of their own greed, for their own needs. Sad but very true. 

We have a lot of history missing concerning mankind existence and the other beings that have and still do exit today. They have been here even before mankind was even an idea in our creator mind.

More still to learning more to come. I am not a writer, but I set myself out on a journey to try to discover all the information that has been hidden from mankind, throughout thousands of years. 

I just want to find out the truth.

Must be noted, who they are the first sons of God. The Watchers, Angels and throughout history they have had many names.

The bible says:

Ephesians 6:12, KJV: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

They are among us today and food for thought, they can look like you and I ... They are shapeshifter as the book of Enoch explains.. 

Thank you
Lady Dee