Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The untold story of our true history

Listen children to a story that was written a long time ago, about a kingdom that could rival our very own.

I pray that the things we discover will make us open our eyes to the truth of mankind existence.

What ever lived on planet earth thousands and thousands of years ago. They had a connection, a network that could rival our very own. They could communicate. Imagine throughout the world there are artifacts and pyramids that have been discovered from one ends of the earth to the other ends. From India, to Turkey, Russia, Germany, Iraq, Iran, China, Egypt, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, and Malta, (Malta which was considered the island of the Giants). And many other places that mankind has already discovered. They are still many other places, still waiting to be discovered.

Like the new submerged civilization, they discovered by the Indian ocean. They think the site is over 12 thousand years old. But the government will not let them excavate the site. Why?

So, let get back, to whom? and what? had created such a civilization that spans the whole entire earth. If they had a network and they can build such monuments and they had a trading throughout their civilization, so you can say they had a thriving civilization. Wow, why don't we have more information on them?

Who were these amazing people that created this advance civilization? Are they like Us? Or who can they be like?

These are all the information I have discovered. They had been known by many names:

From the Annunaki, those who come from the skies, or those who come from the heavens, according to the 
Q-forms writing they discovered in caves. The scientists dated the Q-forms tablets back to around 150 thousand years ago or older.

The Watchers from the book of Enoch. A Jewish book of our Lord. That teaches us about the fallen Angel and everything they did wrong to mankind. According to the books, they mixed our DNA with animal’s DNA.  That were all the stories of half man and half beast that came from the Greek mythology. The Greek gods, from the Titans (which were considered Giants) like their predecessors, Olympian gods, the 12 gods that ruled on earth according to the Greek mythology.

Or could they be like Plato said, the Greek do not even know their own history. Or could the same be said for all of us?

Ok, let us get back,

India, Hinduism, where they have or had many demigods. This religion has existed for over 8 thousand years or even older to over 10, thousands of years old.

I gave you an idea. Whatever you want to call them? ALIENS TODAY OR whatever...they have been around for thousands of thousands of years.

They have existed with mankind from the beginning of man. They have tried to keep us down. According to the books of the past.

But I most leave you with this. They also believe in a higher being, then them. Imagine is that is who we called God today?

But our Lord message has been corrupted throughout history by men. Because of their own greed, for their own needs. Sad but very true. 

We have a lot of history missing concerning mankind existence and the other beings that have and still do exit today. They have been here even before mankind was even an idea in our creator mind.

More still to learning more to come. I am not a writer, but I set myself out on a journey to try to discover all the information that has been hidden from mankind, throughout thousands of years. 

I just want to find out the truth.

Must be noted, who they are the first sons of God. The Watchers, Angels and throughout history they have had many names.

The bible says:

Ephesians 6:12, KJV: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

They are among us today and food for thought, they can look like you and I ... They are shapeshifter as the book of Enoch explains.. 

Thank you
Lady Dee