Saturday, July 11, 2015

Human Wake-UP

We humans live in our bubbles, we only believe in what we can see feel and touch, all over the world they're experiencing catastrophes, from famines to pestilence, earthquakes, tsunamis, but we don't experience it so it’s not in are bubble. What are you waiting for? For it to be in your bubble? Right there in your face so you can wake up and pay attention.

People wake up before it is too late and there will be nothing you can do about it.

Since 2012 violence has multiplied and it continues to grow each year and people do not seem to give a damn about each other, the Love has grown cold.

Wow Wake-UP people stop living in your Bubble.

Research HARP research CERN research catastrophes that are happening ALL around the world. And most important read the Torah which is the Old Testament and the New Testament the Bible so you can understand what we are facing today...

God bless you 
Thank you
Lady Dee

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