Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mary Magdalene was a Godly women.

They Robbed millions of women of a good strong role model.

A biblical women was Mary Magdalene was she a saint or sinner?

The war against terrorism that began in Afghanistan as shed light on one of the most oppressive societies in history.

Especially were females are concerned, stories about women being beaten and even stoned for the smallest infraction. Had horrified the world.

But it would surprise to learn that in the days of Jesus women were subject to a similar kind of treatment. They were oppressed and they were not allowed to go to school, most of the time the woman would stay inside to avoid the treatment of Men.

Women were Not allowed to talk to men. It was considered unacceptable. In the male dominated Society of Jesus day, only men were allowed to study the Torah.

After Jesus death In AD 30 the Hebrew Scriptures had become twisted around and after AD 70 a few Jewish leaders begon to believe that God would not even talk to women, of course this is not what the Bible says at all.

But cultural influences overpowered the truth and women were the ones who suffered.

It was in this extreme patriotic society that Mary Magdalene live and met Jesus and became a part of history.

But how is this possible in a time when women were treated as an object of scorn. Something radical must have happened to Mary Magdalene to cause this transformation. But what?

The legend of Mary Magdalene is actually much different than the reality of who she was. The image most often associated with her is of that of a prostitute, but the scripture references do not say that all.

In Luke’s story in chapter 8 we get our first introduction to Mary Magdalene which is tied to the story of Jesus traveling from town to town, preaching we are told that his 12 disciples are traveling with Jesus along with several women who have been cured of evil spirits and diseases. One of these in women was Mary Magdalene she had 7 demons come out of her, buy a miracle of Jesus that he performed, but nowhere does it say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.

How is it possible that a woman with no historical hint of sexual immorality would be associated as a prostitute?

Some scholars believe that Mary Magdalene acquired the reputation of prostitute simply because of approximately in the Bible.

Right before the story of Mary Magdalene we find a story about an unnamed woman in the Bible, that tells us that this woman had led a sinful life and when this woman heard that Jesus was in a nearby house she went to see him. As she stood behind him, she kneeled at his feet weeping she began to wet his feet with her tears then she wiped them with her hair and kissed them and she poured perfume on Jesus feet.

The concept of the story and the language that was used leads, scholars to leave that the woman's sins were sexual, she was probably a prostitute.

However, when Jesus saw her heart felt repentance, Jesus forgave her. But there is no evidence to tie this unknown woman with Mary Magdalene.

But if this simple woman was not Mary Magdalene how did Mary Magdalene acquire such a bad reputation? The Bible tells you there are many instances where Jesus delivered men from demon possession, yet the stigma of sexual sin has never been associated with their stories.

Why is it simply that Mary was a woman, so she was unfairly branded? Or is there something more to the story. Was Mary Magdalene a threat to the establish order of society? Mary Magdalene played an important role in early Christianity and we have information about her in several documents in the New Testament and in the apocryphal and in Gnostic writing. Some of the Gnostic writings have scenes of rivalry between Peter and Mary Magdalene.

Where Peter says that women are not worthy of leadership, Peter seems to be bothered by Mary Magdalene's leadership.

Could it be that Peter and other males’ disciples of Jesus resented Mary Magdalene position in the group?

They were other rivalries among the disciples early in Jesus ministry and on one occasion. Jesus said to Peter, get behind me Satan. Was Peter himself somehow responsible for damaging Mary Magdalene's reputation?

It is important to remember that these apocryphal stories come from text that were not acceptable by the Protestant Church these books were excluded from the Bible because they were not considered by early church followers to be divinely inspired.

Most modern scholars question the historical accuracy of most apocryphal books. But what does the Bible have to say the disciple’s attitude towards women?

One of the best indications that we have of how the disciples treated women, can be seen in the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. In this story Jesus speaks to a woman in a public place while the disciples were someplace else. Once more she was a Samaritan woman. Someone that Jews would not traditionally associate with in their culture. The text tells us that when the disciples return to the well, they were surprised to find Jesus speaking to a woman that was just socially unacceptable. Yet the text goes on to tell us that none of the disciple’s question Jesus, because Jesus was there teacher.

That Jesus wanted to teach his disciples that women should be treated with respect and as an equal. The point of the story is that Jesus did not just restrict his miracles and teachings for men, that he shared it with everyone, men, and women alike.

And this is a philosophy he wanted to instill in his disciples.

The Bible tells us that Jesus treat women as equals. Yet it is precisely for this reason that many men ridicule his teaching.

Christianity was branded as a religion for women and slaves. Is it possible that in the minds of some perhaps even some of the disciples, Mary Magdalene prominent place in Jesus entourage threaten to undermine the foundation of the new Christian movement?

Did her influence with Jesus go beyond just that of a supporter and followers does her influence touches today in ways we do not even imagine.

Could it be that Mary Magdalene was actually the source for the Gospel of John? The story of Mary Magdalene it is a fascinating tale not only for its positive message to women but also mysterious twists and turns. What is the real story of this courageous woman and how could someone who devoted for life to serving God go from being a heroin of the church to being called a harlot?

Mary Magdalene seem to be a woman of Independence financially means and independent spirit. We know this because the New Testament tells us that Mary Magdalene supported Jesus financially and followed him and his ministry and clearly, he affirmed her as well.

This was a significant departure from what was expected in Jesus time.

All of that is well and good but what effect would that have had on the other disciples? Men who only knew the rules of the society which and they lived. We can look at the case Mary Magdalene and see that a woman's commitment to Christ and his ministry may have posed a serious threat to the male dominated society of his day.

But who was responsible for slandering Mary Magdalene's name? Is it a conspiracy that has been lost a time or does the evidence points to just one man?

In the early centuries of the church there was no printed Bible because there was no printing. Wealthy people and scholars would have had hand reading codices ordinary people would have depended on the oral reading of Scripture and particularly on sermons the end of the world

**In 591 towards the end of the 6th century, Pope Gregory the first, gave such a sermon on the person of Mary Magdalene.

*** Pope Gregory was responsible for major confusion about Mary Magdalene. Because he fused together three different stories. The story about the woman who anointed Jesus described as a sinner and then the story about Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus and then the story of Mary Magdalene and he put them together in a compositive figure and imagine that they were one person, who was a former prostitute.

In his sermon he interpreted an aspect of Mary Magdalene in a new way. He said that the 7 demons that were cast out of Mary signified the seven deadly sins and one of the most heinous of the sins was lust.

***Because of Pope Gregory, Mary Magdalene became the 7 deadly sins personified and if that was not bad enough, he also he also drew connection with the unnamed sinful woman.

Mary Magdalene would be labeled as a prostitute for almost 1400 hundred years.

Looking back to history it would seem that Pope Gregory recklessly even needlessly slandered Mary Magdalene's reputation.

What could have been his reason for doing such a thing?

The modified story of Mary Magdalene would become a powerful symbol to draw people to the church. ***That even the biggest sinner can be forgiven, and it worked because a lot of people went to the church.

Many people do not believe that his motive was to discredit Mary Magdalene but to draw people to the church.

For nearly 2,000 years she is inspired people to go to church and turn away from their wicked ways. And in the Catholic Church she even has your own feast day, there is no denying the negative effect that the Pope decreed had by branding Mary Magdalene a prostitute.

*** He not only robs her of her good name, but he also Rob millions of women of a good strong role model.

The Mary that we find in the Gospels was important to Jesus and was probably a leader among his followers especially after his crucifixion and resurrection.

What does the story of Mary Magdalene change simply because of 6th century Pope wanted Christianity to appeal to a broader audience or was the truth distorted long before that and if so why?

Was it because some of the church start thought that a relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus was more romantic then they were comfortable with?

Is there a part of Mary's true story that is yet to be revealed?

The Scriptures do not provide a lot of fact about Mary Magdalene, but one thing seems certain she was an important member close group that accompanied Jesus.

But one new discovery of the gospel of John are giving scholars something different to think about and just maybe offering a discovery on who Mary Magdalene really was.

The description of the love that Jesus had for Mary Magdalene has given rise in modern misunderstanding. Marden people like to imagine that there was romantic relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

There are several apocalypse texts that are written after the New Testament gospel that are not included in the Christian Bible. Those texts are the Gospel of Philip, the gospel of Mary and illustrates the significance that Mary Magdalene held in the life of Jesus.

But it's the Gospel of Philip that implies they may have been a relationship that is more intimate than most people realize in these text Mary Magdalene is described as a companion of Jesus but the most significant piece of information is that a text gives us is that Jesus love Mary Magdalene so much so that she is also referred to as the Blessed One.

What significance in any should we place on these apocryphal references referring to Mary Magdalene since they were written much later than the New Testament Gospels.  Does that mean they necessarily wrong about the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene?

The so-called romantic references in The Gospel of Philip considered in the line of the culture that produced referred to a spiritual not a sexual intimacy and so calling Mary Magdalene the Blessed One is not surprising it was a common Christian early term.

The relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is clearly understood in the Ancient times, as a relationship of discipleship.

Mary Magdalene was a special disciple she was described as understanding Jesus in a very spiritual way. Mary Magdalene and the other women are described as staying faithfully by Jesus side as he hung by the cross and the male disciples are described as having fled.

When he died she wept bitterly and then on the third day after his death her and other women are described as bring spices to embalm his body and it was then that she experience the risen Christ for the first time.

Jesus tells Mary to go to the other disciples and tell them, he has risen.  So, she becomes a first person to announce the resurrection.

It is significant that she was entrusted with task of announcing resurrection to the other disciples because in those days women we are not regarded as having the authority to be an official voice. She was often referred to as the apostles to the apostles.

What does that mean? That she had equal or greater status then the other disciples.

Mary was a devout believer and she would have been considered as an apostle of Jesus and she continued the Ministry of the church in the early times.

After scholars have studied scripts and the non- scripts, it was discovered that there is strong evidence that that points to her as the primary author of the gospel of John.

She might have not been the one to put the pen to paper, but it is her recollection of Jesus life in Jesus sayings that form the basis for the book.

Could it be that this possibility was exactly what some leaders from the primitive church wanted to avoid? How does someone go about erasing a person from history?

There are several cryptic references in the Gospel of John, which refers to an unnamed disciple, one who is repeatedly referred to as the disciple whom Jesus loved. In John chapter 21 we are told that this is the same disciples who wrote down the event that are in clouded in the Gospel of John. But for some reason the writer wanted to keep the identity of the beloved disciple a secret and that is strange because this disciple was obviously an important figure in the history of the community.

For thousands of years Bible scholars have wondered who this person could be and many have surmised whoever it was he was probably responsible for writing the Gospel of John but noticed how even today the reference are always too he.

Is it possible the author was not a man at all? And what is interesting is some non-biblical texts refer to as none other than Mary Magdalene as being the author of the Gospel of John.

Could it be the disciple whom Jesus loved was actual Mary Magdalene? Was the gender of the unnamed disciple in the Gospel of John change to concealed Mary Magdalene's identity and if so why?

There is no known instance of an ancient Jewish, Greek, or Roman literally source, nor any biblical literature in which a woman wrote as if she was a man. In the original text of the Greek New Testament and the beloved disciples Is referred to as masculine pronoun word.

*** The authenticity of the gospel has never been determined so will continue to wonder if Mary Magdalene wrote the accounts of the Gospel of John.

Jesus talked about men and women being equal! That might be one of the reasons that she was stripped from her title as one of his greatest disciples of Jesus.

What matters most is to love and live a good life as Jesus did and treat women with respect and kindness as you would want someone to treat you!

See how man have manipulated situations to fit their own agenda.

It is a shame, that we have been around for over five thousand years and we still have not grown as a race! By now you would think there would be NO Racism at all!

They rob the women of a great role model, to keep women down.

Why do they fear women so much?

Jesus loved us and He wanted women to be treated with Respect and Kindness!!!

That is why I feel there is a lot of stories that have been misconstrued and they have misled the masses for their own benefit or what today we will call Greed!!!

God bless you 
Bless it be
Lady Dee

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