Monday, March 9, 2015


God created the Universe. He created everything we can see and everything we cannot see beyond our universe.

There will come a time that the earth will change in a blink of an Eye.

There will be catastrophe that will affect the whole entire world.

It will be like any other day,  some will be working while others will be at home and others just enjoying the day or evening.

Then all will change in a blink of an Eye. The ground underneath your feet will given way...

The World will morn and you will hear the cries of many. You will either die in a blink of an Eye or be saved to be witness to what's to come.

I hope you have made your peace with everyone.

You will wonder what happened? If you we're one of the lucky ones to survive? I'm not sure if you are really lucky or not?  Even people that believe they were following Gods will, Will question their faith. Many Church's will wonder what happen? Why are we still here? For the scriptures say there will only be 1 church that will be saved from those days.

That church loved the Lord enough to find out what the Lord wants from his followers. They lived their lifes for the Lord and thru the grace of Jesus they learned the truth.

All of this will happen in a time you do not expect.

Or are there signs that we may know the time is getting near?

As it says in the Bible, It will be like the days of Noah!!!.

What was happening in the days of Noah? What was taking place to cause such a flood that the World had never seen before?

Let's take a look at what was happening, before the great flood.

The great flood has been reported throughout cultures.

The book of Enoch- explain that there we're Watchers on earth in those days. Since the beginning of mankind.

Imaging the Watchers exist as God first creation and they traveled the universe with 'Our creator'.

As it states in the Old Testament and The Torah,  the Lord says, I AM WHO I AM.

It's possible, since GOD
( I Am ) can do anything he wants. I AM is the creator of the world, the universe and everything beyond our understanding.

Bible says:
Exodus 3:14 ESV
God said to Moses, “ I am who I am .” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘ I am has sent me to you.’”

And Jesus said:
John 8:58 ESV
Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”

Thanks be to GOD ( I AM )

The Bible teaches, that God love's mankind and only wants the very best for his People.  Who are his People? 
It was Israel, those were and are God choicen people. But thanks be to Jesus we all have a chance to love our Lord and love eachother and keep God commandment and decrees as Jesus did.  

We need to love God enough to have a personal relationship with our mighty creator and learn what he likes and doesn't like. For that is a relationship.

Okay let me get back to God first creation which existed before man we're created.

We currently call them Angels. In other books they were called the Watchers or the Fallen Angles or the fallen ones spoken about in the book of Enoch? Or do we call them now Aliens?

Some of God watchers wanted to help mankind. While others wants to see us dead.

For there are those who work with the man of lawlessness, the evil ONE. 

There are powers beyond our realm that are fighting against us!!!

Lucifer was the angel of the air, he was the most beautiful angel, until he fell from grace or so we have been told.

To be continued

Lady Dee
Published on 03/09/2015

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